The DNA Stage 2 lid, a DNA cover that is designed to replace a part of the air box, seriously increasing air flow to the engine. With the proper fuel recalibration the results are always very impressive. (does not include the filter)
Fits Husqvarna 701 2016-2024
Ktm 690 smc /smc-r 2008-2024
In stock
OEM Air Filter Air Flow: 96.77 CFM
DNA Air Filter Air Flow: 146.10 CFM
DNA Increased Air Flow: 50.98%
DNA Filtering Efficiency: 98-99%
Product Information
- This filter features DNA's Round Design.
- Installation of the filter is very easy, simply follow the information that can be found in the workshop manual.
- The filtering efficiency is extremely high at 98-99% filtering efficiency , with 4 layers of DNA Cotton.
- The flow of this DNA Fcd filter is 50.98% more than the stock paper filter!
- DNA air filter flow: 146.10 CFM (Cubic feet per minute) @1,5"H2O corrected @ 25degrees Celsius.
- Stock foam filter: 96.77 CFM (Cubic feet per minute) @1,5"H2O corrected @ 25degrees Celsius.
- This DNA filter is designed as a High flow filter for road,off-road and race use.
KTM Models :
- KTM 690 SMC (08-11)
- KTM 690 SMC R ABS (10-24)
- In stock
SAS/Canister removal KIT
HUSKY 701 2017-2024
ktm 690 smc r 2019-2024
Gasgas 700 2021-2024
Rottweiler SAS/can sister removal KIT
This bike specific kit contains everything you will need to remove the SAS and canister system and also includes both dongles to keep the FI light from coming on.
All of the pieces you will need are contained in this very comprehensive kit.
Husqvarna 701 2017/2024 and ktm 690 smc r 2019 - 2024 (also the euro 5 EU version ktm/husqvarna)
- 2.5 Lbs weight reduction
- More room for tools
- No more popping on deceleration
- Cleans up engine space
download your manual here
op voorraad
On stock
Met deze originele ktm/husqvarna evo 1 open luchtfilter kap creëert u een veel betere lucht flow, de motor hoeft de lucht niet meer aan te zuigen door het kleine gat van de originele kap.
Wat resulteert in een betere airflow een betere verbranding en meer vermogens afgifte vooral onderin.
met deze open luchtfilter kap is een fuel dongel O2 optimizer(2021+) of powercommander wel aan te raden zo dat de motor niet zo arm loopt.
Past op de modelen,
ktm 690 smc (2007 - 2013)
Ktm 690 smc r (2014-2018)
Ktm 690 smc r (2019 - 2024)
Husqvarna 701 (2016-2024)
de kappen worden speciaal aangepast per type voor perfecte pasvorm.
Levertijd op voorraad
with this original ktm / husqvarna evo 1 open air filter hood you create a much better air flow,
the engine does not have to suck the air through the small hole of the original hood.
This results in better airflow,
better combustion and more power delivery especially at the bottom.
with this open air filter hood is a fuel dongel O2 optimizer (2021+) or powercommander recommended so the bike is running less lean.
Fits the models
KTM 690 smc (2007-2013)
KTM 690 smc r (2014-2018)
KTM 690 smc r (2019 - 2024)
Husqvarna 701 (2016-2024)
The hoods are specially adjusted for each type for the perfect fit.
Delivery time in stock
Powercommander 6 ktm 690
Powercommander 6 ktm 690
De Powercommander is een unit die geplaatst wordt tussen de ECU en de injektor(en), waarmee we het brandstof mengsel van uw motor rijker of armer kunnen afstellen (per toerengebied en gasklepstand) dit resulteert in een optimale brandstof luchtverhouding.
Door een optimale brandstof-luchtverhouding verkrijgen we een ideale verbranding wat resulteert in meer vermogen en een hoger koppel. Uw motor wordt soepeler, zuiniger en krachtiger. Het aan-uit effect verminderd (verdwijnt).
Door tussenkomst van de powercommander kunnen we de dippen die veelal ontstaat door de emissie eisen en/of het vervangen van een demper/systeem of open filter opheffen.
Bij het gebruik van open demper/uitlaatsystemen of luchtfilters, moet een injectiemotor opnieuw afgesteld worden. De Powercommander wordt met originele connectors, zoals reeds aan de originele kabelboom aanwezig, verbonden. (Dus geen knip en soldeer werk).
U kunt Uw Powercommander direct aan een Windows-PC aansluiten en de op een CD meegeleverde "Maps" in de Powercommander laden en zelfs vrij programmeren!
Levertijd op voorraad
The Power Commander is a unit that is placed between the ECU and the injector (s), with which we can adjust the fuel mixture of your engine richer or poorer (per rev range and throttle position) resulting in an optimal fuel air ratio.
Thanks to an optimal fuel-air ratio, we obtain an ideal combustion resulting in more power and higher torque. Your engine will be smoother, more efficient and more powerful. The on-off effect is reduced (disappears).
Through the intervention of the power commander, we can eliminate the dips that often arise from the emission requirements and / or the replacement of a damper / system or open filter.
When using open silencer / exhaust systems or air filters, an injection engine must be re-adjusted. The Power Commander is connected with original connectors, as already present on the original cable harness. (So no cut and solder work).
You can connect your Power Commander directly to a Windows PC and load the "Maps" on a CD into the Power Commander and even program it freely!
in stock
Zeta Revolver Shift Lever
The Zeta Revolver Shift Lever features a forged aluminum arm for durability and a fold-away tip to lessen the chance of damage in a crash. The tip is eccentric, so rotating it gives the ability to raise or lower it, fore or aft, depending on your preference.
- Forged A2014 aluminum brake arm
- Black anodized finish with laser print logo
- Shift tip is made of CNC machined aluminum with anodized finish
- Fits the ktm 690 /smc-r /supermoto/enduro all years 2008-2024
In stock
Repair mount for the Zeta Revolver Shift Lever for the husqvarna 701 and ktm 690
In stock
Replaces the tip of the Zeta lever
In stock
Let's face it, the 690 and 701 are great bikes, but the transmissions shift like garbage. The idea is that when you nudge the shifter it should actually go into the next gear. False neutrals in the upper gears and a generally notchy feel to them does't exactly inspire confidence either.
- Virtually eliminate missed shifts and false neutrals. Quicker shifts.
- The 690 has lazy shift action. Not what you want when Super Motard racing or jumping those doubles or splitting that lane.
- The stock shifting, on the KTM 690, can be sketchy under even recreational use.
- Some individual bikes, more than others, have a propensity for false neutrals and missed shifts in critical situations.
- Installation: About 1-2 hours - no case splitting required. The clutch basket doesn't even have to be removed
- 2008-2021 KTM 690 Duke / R
- 2008-2021 KTM 690 Enduro / R
- 2008-2024 KTM 690 SMC-R
- 2016-2024 Husqvarna 701 Enduro
- 2016-2024 Husqvarna 701 Supermoto
- 2016- 2021 Husqvarna 701 Sitpilen
- 2016-2021 Husqvarna 701 Svartpilen
- Gasgas 700 sm/enduro 2022-2024
On stock
Op voorraad
Rottweiler Performance fuel dongles 690 2008-2020 & 701 2016-2020
For the EU-5 version (2021+) klik here
The Rottweiler Performance 'Fueling Dongles' are an effective and simple method to improving the fueling mixture of any fuel injected KTM by allowing the stock ECU to deliver a proper mixture at low to mid RPMs. By replacing the stock narrow band O2 plugs with these simple to install dongles, the Rottweiler Fueling Dongles feed the stock ECU a pre set signal that substantially smooths out the lower end power delivery reducing the jerky transition between the extremely lean low RPM mapping and the open loop upper end mapping. Overall average air fuel ratios also tend to richen up by about .5 to 1 point as well allowing the user an inexpensive option to 'bump up' the richness of their fuel delivery if the cost of a Powercommander is not currently an option for them.
How do they work? It's actually quite simple. The stock ECU is set to lean out the fuel delivery to a very lean 14.7 air fuel ratio (AFR) under 5500 RPM and 20% throttle. Once the engine has reached a sufficient warm up the ECU 'listens' to the stock narrow band O2 sensors and looks for a particular signal to keep the bike in that lean condition. This causes heat issues from extremely hot header pipes, makes the motorcycle jerky at low RPMs and reduces power. The Rottweiler Fueling Dongles send a return signal to the stock ECU that keeps the low end fueling at a much better running 13.8 +/-. A mixture that translates into an overall better running motorcycle.
Note: When running our Rottweiler Fueling Dongles, you have the option to remove your stock O2 sensor from the exhaust header. You can plug it with our 12mm O2-plugs sold separately.
In stock
Op vooraad
KTM Koppelingsslaafcilinder 690 ENDURO/Supermoto 2008 - 2024 en duke 690 2008-2024
Vervangt (OEM-onderdeel) 75032061044, 59032061044, K26632061044, K79432061044 or 79432061044.
ontworpen om de efficiëntie en het uiterlijk van de originele koppelingswerkcilinder te verbeteren.
Het ontwerp en de afdichting van de interne zuiger zijn drastisch verbeterd om lekken te voorkomen en zorgen voor een soepelere koppeling.
CNC gefreesd van T6 billet-legering voor lichtheid, sterkte en opvallende looks.
Alles wat je nodig hebt, zit in de kit inclusief volledige instructies en is klaar om te passen.
Onze zuigerafdichtingen zijn vervaardigd uit speciaal Viton-rubber dat is bevroren en vervolgens CNC gefreesd met een "U" -profiel dat specifiek voor hydraulisch gebruik is. Bovendien wordt de zuiger zelf geleid door onze unieke zuigergeleider om slijtage te voorkomen en de juiste uitlijning binnen de Slave eenheid, en dit geeft uiteindelijk een soepelere hefboomwerking en verlengt de levensduur van het product.
De slavecilinder van Oberon Performance wordt standaard geleverd met een levenslange (retour naar basis) garantie, inclusief onderdelen en arbeid. Eenheden die ouder zijn dan 12 maanden na de datum van aankoop kunnen worden geretourneerd voor een reparatie / vervanging op voorwaarde dat een lid van Oberon Performance is gecontacteerd voorafgaand aan de verzending, zodat uw gegevens correct kunnen worden vastgelegd en van een retournummer worden voorzien. Het niet verkrijgen van een retournummer maakt deze garantie ongeldig. Zorg er daarnaast voor dat het artikel op de juiste manier is verpakt om ervoor te zorgen dat er geen schade kan ontstaan. De verzendkosten voor de klant naar Oberon Performance komen voor rekening van de klant. Alle redelijke verzendkosten worden door Oberon terugbetaald in een echte garantieprobleem.
Oberon Performance behoudt zich het recht voor garantie te weigeren als het geretourneerde artikel duidelijk schade vertoont, anders dan natuurlijke slijtage. Uw wettelijke rechten worden niet beïnvloed. Bij elke unit wordt een nieuwe pakking meegeleverd en deze moet ook worden gebruikt als het origineel er bruikbaar uitziet.
Gewicht: 100 g Vloeistof (alleen KTM-goedgekeurde vloeistof gebruiken)
Op voorraad
KTM clutch slave cylinder 690 ENDURO / Supermoto/ duke 2008 - 2024
Replaces (OEM Part) 75032061044, 59032061044, K26632061044, K79432061044 or 79432061044.
Oberon Performance clutch work cylinder for KTM 690 smc-r 2008-2024
designed to improve the efficiency and appearance of the original clutch work cylinder. The design and seal of the internal piston have been drastically improved to prevent leaks and ensure a smoother coupling. CNC machined from T6 billet alloy for lightness, strength and striking looks. Everything you need is included in the kit including complete instructions and is ready to fit. Our piston seals are made from special Viton rubber that is frozen and then CNC milled with a "U" profile that is specific for hydraulic use. In addition, the piston itself is guided by our unique piston guide to prevent wear and proper alignment within the Slave unit, which ultimately results in smoother leverage and extends product life. Factory guarantee: The slave cylinder from Oberon Performance comes standard with a lifelong (return to basic) warranty, including parts and labor. Units older than 12 months from the date of purchase can be returned for a repair / replacement provided that a member of Oberon Performance has been contacted prior to shipment, so that your data can be correctly recorded and provided with a return number. Not obtaining a return number invalidates this guarantee. In addition, ensure that the item is packaged correctly to ensure that no damage can occur. The shipping costs for the customer to Oberon Performance are for the account of the customer. All reasonable shipping costs are refunded by Oberon in a genuine warranty issue. Oberon Performance reserves the right to refuse warranty if the returned item clearly shows damage, other than natural wear and tear. Your legal rights are not affected. A new gasket is supplied with each unit and must also be used if the original looks usable. Weight: 100 g Liquid (only use KTM approved liquid)
In stock
Indoor houseplant
Indoor houseplant
This is an example product. It can't be used or ordered.
K&n air filter replacement for the original filter
ensures better air flow but also better filtering than the original paper filter!
In combination with our open air filter hood, the engine can breathe more freely resulting in more power.
The filter is washable and reusable.
Fits model 2016 to 2024 husqvarna 701 supermoto /Enduro
Also fits the ktm 690 smc from 2008 to 2024 including the new 690 smc-r of 2019-2024 supermoto /Enduro
delivery time on stock
K&N luchtfilter olie is een olie die speciaal is ontwikkeld voor het gebruik in combinatie met het filtermateriaal van het K&N luchtfilter, hierdoor houdt het luchtfilter zijn goede werking.
Wanneer het gebruikt wordt volgens de gebruiksaanwijzing dringt de olie snel en diep door in het filter.
levertijd op vooraad
K&N air filter oil is an oil that has been specially developed for use in combination with the filter material of the K & N air filter,
which keeps the air filter running smoothly.
When used according to the instructions, the oil penetrates quickly and deeply into the filter.
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K&N power kleen voor het reinigen van uw K&N luchtfilter 355ml
Levertijd op voorraad
K&N power kleen to clean your K&N filter 355ml
Delevery time on stock
Header only!!
titanium header with a powerbomb from tekmo racing!
Perfect fit with manual.
Less weight and 2.5 hp more power!
And because of the improved flow over the whole line a better power delivery.
which makes the engine feel better at the bottom and middel.
Fits with the original exhaust and with any slip-on akrapovic or other sport exhaust.
Fits model 2008 til 2018 and the 2019 - 2021-2023-2024 model with flank mounting adapter in the box.
Weight: 1.04 KG
O2 plug and mounting set including
in stock
titanium voorbocht met powerbomb van tekmo racing!
Perfecte pasvorm met handleiding.
Minder gewicht en 2.5 pk meer vermogen!
En door de verbeterde flow over de hele lijn een betere afgifte waardoor de motor onderin beter aanvoelt.
Past met de originele uitlaat en met slip-on van akrapovic of andere sport uitlaat.
Past op model 2008 t/m 2018 en ook de nieuwe 2019 - 2021-2023-2024 model met flens aansluiting.
Inclusief O2 plug en mounting set.
op voorraad
Tekmo set! Tekmo voorbocht en akrapovic eind demper
Past op de ktm 690 smc r 2019 - 2024 inclusief alle montage spullen en uitlaat pakking.
Niet legaal!
In stock
Set tekmo racing header & akrapovic muffler
for the ktm 690 smc-r 2019 - 2024 including all mounting products and gasket.
Not legal!
In stock
The healtech quickshifter for the husqvarna 701 fits all models (2016-2019) and ktm 690 models 2008 - 2018
Easy to install. Easy to setup. Easy on your wallet. The perfect choice for anyone aiming for quicker lap times, better 1/4 mile runs or simply MORE FUN on the road.
With the iQSE the clutchless, full throttle shifts are not only quick but effortless too. Now you can shift like a pro! The quickshifter cuts the ignition at the moment you start moving the shift lever. The gearbox is unloaded, making it possible for you to switch one gear up without closing the throttle. By the time the spark comes back, you’re already in the next gear – no hassle, no glitch, no time loss.
The iQSE is not only chosen by racers, but more and more street riders too due to the simple installation and affordable price. For street riders the benefit is improved control and comfort, and to put it simply, MORE FUN! It really makes all bikes more fun to ride, including classic and touring bikes too.
Special order 5-15 days
The long awaited Rottweiler Performance System for the mighty 690 is finally here, and built with the only tools we have at our disposal; QUALITY and POWER.
Starting with our proven recipe, we ported our induction knowledge into the big single and created this intake with our signature power producing filter elements. But we didn’t stop there. We reshaped the intake tract with our proven ‘Tuned Velocity Stack’ design in order to maximize intake tract length and velocity. We even added a clever little detail to the outside of the bell-mouth of the velocity stack that keeps water out, and only the good stuff in: CLEAN AIR.
Add tool free removal and incredibly simple access to the intake tract and what you have left over is a KTM big single that guarantees to add the smiles to your miles.
- Big horsepower gains that only Rottweiler Performance can produce
- Tool-less access and removal for easy maintenance
- Proprietary triple layer foam filtration
- Custom shaped velocity stack for maximum intake velocity
- 1-hour installation
Fuel Mapping Questions: A PCV is not required on the 690 for 'safe fueling' when simply bolting on this product. As tested completely stock the AFR (Air Fuel Ratios) values stayed well within safe limits across the RPM range.
In stock
De k&n open filter kan worden gebruikt voor de ktm 690 smc en smc-r ook voor de husqvarna 701. Met deze filter word de complete airbox verwijderd. ( kleine filters voor airbox slangen worden niet mee geleverd.)
Ru 1750
Op voorraad
The k & n open filter can be used for the ktm 690 smc and smc-r also for the husqvarna 701. With this filter the complete airbox is removed. (little filters for hoses not included)
Ru 1750
In stock
SCAR oil filler plug orange
SCAR oil filler plug orange
Filler plug for the ktm 690 smc/smc-r/enduro 2008-2024 orange
In stock
Forkshrink 360 complete set
Forkshrink 360 complete set
The forkshirk 360 SET (4 sleeves)
For the ktm 690 smc /smc-r 2008-2024
and husqvarna 701 2016-2024
In stock
TEKMO Supermoto Swingarm for 690/701
Why upgrade to this swingarm:
- The swingarm can be adjusted to be 20mm shorter than stock.
- Stiffer than stock
- You will be able to fit 5.5" width rims without any issue
- The design will make the bike look really awesome
2008-21 KTM 690 SMC/SMC-R/Enduro
2016-21 Husqvarna 701 SM/Enduro
Material: 7050 aircraft grade aluminium 3pcs construction. Comes with front chain slider and chain guide mount. Exclude: Bearings and extra length Titainium chain adjuster bolts.
Weight: 4.57 kg
Special orderd takes about 25 days to prepare.
Let us know what model and year your bike is!!
Special order 4-18 weeks